1. How do I ship my flowers?
The safe arrival of your flower petals is critical to the process of turning flowers into memories. Angel Cloud's suggest that you have the flowers dry out a bit, naturally. Carefully remove the petals and loosely pack them in a cardboard box wrapped gently in paper. DO NOT use plastic bags.
2. Do my flowers have to be completely dry?
Absolutely not. We dry the flowers here as part of the process, however, fresh petals are prone to mildew and rot if not packed properly and shipped quickly. To lessen the chance of rot, removing flowers from their pot and hanging them in a dry environment for a week or so, should allow you to safely remove the petals and pack them for shipping.
3. How many flowers do I need to send?
Petals from a dozen roses is enough to make a full rosary. Our other items require on an average of 2-3 roses to produce.
4. What if I don't have enough flowers?
Not a problem, Angel Cloud's, with your permission, can add rose petals to your individual mix to make up for any lacking flower petals.
5. Where do I send my flower petals and payment?
Make sure you pack the petals as outlined in FAQ 1-3. Make sure they are not packed tight or in plastic.
Make your check or money order out to: ANGEL CLOUD'S
Mail the parcel to or drop it off:
Angel Cloud's
124 Fairview Drive
Streamwood, IL 60107
You may track the package, however, please do not require a signature to leave the package. If I am not there, it may significantly delay my getting the package.
6. May I pay by Credit or Debit Card?
Yes. However, we DO NOT encourage sending credit card information in an email! You need to select, Payment Type: "Fax your credit card Info" during the checkout process. Once your order is complete, you are able to PRINT out a form to FAX. The number is listed the Fax Transmission Sheet you printed out after your order was submitted. Note: We destroy (shred or securely erase) all credit card information after we process your card and complete your order.
7. When is my payment due?
Payment is due with your order and with your flowers. We have to insist on pre-payment due to the unique nature of our services. These items are hand made from your individual flowers.
8. How long will it be until I get my Rosaries or other products?
Under normal conditions, it takes 3-4 months to complete your order, once we receive your flowers. The time to dry and process your flowers into beads is a time consuming process with many variables. Fee free to email us with your concerns, but I will attempt to keep you posted, by email, of the progress of your order.
9. Care and feeding of my rosary?
Every bead is individually coated with a clear, waterproofing, coating after our bead making process. I wouldn't suggest you go swimming with one of our products, but normal cleaning and wearing poses no problems.
10.Will my rosary or other items have a flower scent?
No. The process of turning flower petals into beads removes all the scent.
11. What do I do if I have a "Prayer Request"?
Our Mary Queen of Peace Prayer Group meets weekly and would love to have your prayer requests. PRESS HERE to send an email requesting prayer.